ONLINE! Fonó Selection Day 2
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Fonó Selection 2021
Day 2
2021.02.23. Tuesday
8:00 Podcast: Let’s stream! But how?
Changes in the music market caused by the Covid19 pandemic and challenges of adapting to live streaming. What technical preparations are necessary for broadcasting/streaming a concert? What kind of challenges does this pose for the musicians and how can they be overcome? How to move online - from the institutional point of view?
In Hungarian!
Leader: Diligens, Linda - Fonó Music Hall, marketing director
Seres, Tamás – director, Fonó stream director
Unger, Balázs – Director of the Fonogram award winning Cimbaliband
Farkas, Béla – artistic manager, and manager of Kicsillag Band
Szeltner, Levente – Communications director, Hungarian Heritage House
Avaliable online from the actual time of broadcast on Fonó Budai Zeneház
, and
20:00 Concert:
Bede Péter - Unger Balázs duo
We have seen these two musicians onstage in Cimbaliband Balkán Projekt concerts. Here they will prove that the music from Transylvania’s Kalotaszeg region is valid on these instruments as well. They will also play music from Moldavia and Hungary’s southern plains.
Unger, Balázs – cymbalom, voice
Bede, Péter – saxophone, tárogató, wooden flute, voice
Can be seen at the actual performance time on the Fonó facebook channel.
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