Upcoming events

Fonó Selection
Day 1
2021.02.22. Monday

8:00 AM Fonó Podcast: Hungarian music institutions in the 21st century
In Hungarian

Leader: Horváth, László - director, Fonó Music Hall

Batta, András – Hungarian House of Music Nonprofit Kft, managing director
Gőz, László – Budapest Music Center/BMC, director
Káel, Csaba – Palace of the Arts, general manager

The event will be available starting at the actual time of broadcast at: Fonó Budai Zeneház Soundcloud , and Spotify


20:00 Concert: Kacsó Hanga - Szabó Dániel duo – Music from Transylvania’s Marosszék Region
This duet came together for a mutual love of the traditional music Transylvania’s Székelyföld and Upper Máros/Mures River regions. Their first concert was in the village of Magyarkanizsa/ Kanjiža in Voivodina (Serbia). Hanga has family ties to the “Marosszék Mezőség area of Transylvania and has since childhood sung material from this region. Dániel was drawn to the melodic cymbalom style of the area which he learned attending summer folk music camps in Transylvania where he was fortunate to be amongst the elderly Transylvanian master cymbalom players.

Kacsó Hanga – voice hit cello
Szabó Dániel – cymbalom, voice

Can be seen at the actual performance time on the Fonó facebook channel. Link here: