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Dresch Vonós Quartet and Dresch Quartet

DRESCH Hungary’s king of ethno-jazz will perform with two quartets for a special Fonó ONLINE concert on Hungarian Culture day.

Two defining formations from ‘Dresch’s universe’ in one Fonó Online concert. Dresch Mihály is a unique, leading figure in Hungarian jazz. As  Garbarek has done with Northern European, or Coltrane with Afro music traditions, Dresch blends elements of authentic Transylvanian folk music into his jazz. His music sweeps you along, it is personal and intimate, radiating strength and faith.

The legendary Dresch Quarte t has been on its own path between Hungarian folk music and Afro-American jazz for decades. Working consistently and self-assuredly with other jazz musicians over the years Dresch Quartet has formed their own blend of jazz.

The String Quartet is a new side of Dresch ’s life work. Here he works with virtuoso folk musicians masterfully, continuously broadening and testing the borders between the genres.

Dresch Quartet
Lukács, Miklós - cymbalom
Csízi, László - drum
Gyányi, Marcell – double bass
Dresch, Mihály – saxophone

Dresch String Quartet
Dresch, Mihály - saxophone, bass clarinet, fuhun
ifj. Csoóri, Sándor – viola, primtambura
Zimber, Ferenc - cymbalom
Bognár, András – double bass

The 75 minute concert can be viewed by live stream with a valid ticket on January 22nd starting at 8 PM.
Tickets available at: jegy.hu

1000 ft /for one viewer
2000 ft /to view by more than one person
5000 ft/ supporter’s ticket

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