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Live concerts again at the Fonó!
Branka Trio with guests: Varga Veronika and Babcsán Bence

This concert is one of Branka Trio’s musical projects following what has now become Branka’s maxim: “My father is Serbian, my mother is Hungarian and that’s why I’m half Serbian half Hungarian, but feel like I’m 100% Serbian and 100% Hungarian.” The goal of this project is to find the common ground through music between the two seemingly distant, old-new, traditional-modern, known-unknown, half-whole, cultures and locations on the map. Every concert is different, since the guest musicians bring new perspectives to the Trio’s sound and musical ideas.

Varga Veronika and Babcsán Bence help explore the thought of half and whole. As members of Babra Band, their own culture and identity play important roles in their music and life, with strong musical connections to Serbian, Balkan and Greek folk music.

Básits Branka – voice
Wertetics Szlobodán - accordion
György Mihály - guitar
Varga Veronika – voice, double bass
Babcsán Bence - saxophone, clarinét

Tickets: 1000 Ft (advance purchase), 1500 Ft (day of the concert)

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