Laposa Julcsi & Kaláka: record release concert - a family event
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Laposa Julcsi and Kaláka Ensemble: record release concert
NÉPI hang-színek: TAVASZ-NYÁR /FOLK Sound-Color: Spring-Summer
Laposa Julcsi Junior Prima award winning folk musician and music mediator has been active since 2007 as a lead fiddler and folk singer. Her cultural mission is to acquaint her audience with the fabulous, legendary power of folk music and to search out folk customs and tradition she can pass on playfully to the coming generations. In 2017 she began publishing her unique series of coloring books with accompanying CD under the title: NÉPI hang-színek [FOLK Sound-Color]. Her record release concert presents part four of the series featuring customs and songs from the Carpathian Basin for the spring and summer seasons.
“Julcsi has a fantastic naturalness that I really like. Nothing is contrived or forced - she is truly interactive. She doesn’t tell the children what to do - she lets them influence one another. Julcsi not only selects and prepares good material she knows how to reach out to those who will enjoy her work.” Gryllus Dániel director of the Kossuth award winning, 50 year old Kaláka Ensemble
Participating in this concert:
Kaláka Ensemble
Students of Pacsai Elementary School
Musicians: Timár Márton, Vizeli Máté
Dance: Socovicza Fanni
The publication has received support from the: Halmos Béla Program, Fonó Music Hall, City of Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
The newest volume of the song-coloring book will be available to purchase at the event
Tickets: 1000 Ft (free for children under 2)
Entry only with valid COVID protection certification