Fonó Spring: Cimbaliband - Gipsy Fushion - LIVE STREAM & LIVE CONCERT
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Fonó Spring
Cimbaliband Gipsy Fushion - record release concert
Live stream – live concert
Gipsy Fushion
recording presents
Horváth Alexandra with Cimbaliband
, it was released by the Fonó in 2020. This special record release concert will be both a live concert with audience and streamed live. The concert will be available online until midnight the following day (local time).
The concert brings alive Roma divas and string players from the ‘wild
’. On this record Horváth Alexandra sings the most beautiful treasures of Gypsy folklore from her native Transylvanian community of Őrkő with
Cimbaliband led by cymbalom player Unger Balázs
. Alexandra who is already known locally from her performances on the Hungarian TV2 Singing School program and Megastar, has been working with Cimbaliband for 2 years. The record also highlights Solymosi Máté’s violin which treats the listener to the world of both Gypsy folklore and jazz.
This record pays tribute to the memory of the great Roma singers and musicians.
Horváth, Alexandra - voice
Solymosi, Máté - violin
Unge, Balázs - cymbalom, voice
Babos, Lőrinc - cajon, derbuka, kanna, drum
Tóth, Gergely – double bass
Varga, Kornél - guitar
Concert tickets : 2000 Ft (advance purchase), 2500 Ft (day of the concert)
Purchase tickets here:
Streaming tickets: 2000 Ft (online ticket), 5000 Ft (supporter tickets)
Purchase tickets here:
Attention! Those buying tickets to attend the live concert in person, must also at the same time agree to appear in the live stream and agree that the Fonó may use their image on various media platforms and shall not make any requests in relation to that.
Telephone: +36-1-422-2029 ( M-F: 9-17)