Fonó Selection fest -Day 1: Magyar Banda, PETRÁS MÁRIA, dance house
Upcoming events
Fonó Selection 2021
Mini Festival
With concerts and conversation on related music issues
"These are the productions that move us, that have formed us, have defined how we think about ourselves, or what the outside world thinks about Hungarian music. If you don’t have time to go to concerts, but you’d like to know what’s going on, what audiences, the music scene and the critics are paying attention to in Hungary and abroad - then come to Fonó Selection’s Mini Festival series and we’ll bring you up to speed! And if you know the bands that’ll be performing, then you’ll be here anyway!"
- the Fonó
Day 1: Petrás Mária Trio, Magyar Banda and dance house
19:00 Petrás Mária Trio
Concert: Petrás Mária - Kiss Krisztián - Nyíri László
Petrás Mária has been recognized as both a singer and ceramicist with the Hungarian Heritage and Prima Primissima awards. She was born and raised in the traditional life of the Hungarian Csángó people of Moldavian Romania – and this has defined all of her work - both on her records and in her ceramics. As a frequent guest of Muzsikás Ensemble she has performed on some of the most distinguished stages in the world. She also sings solo or with Hungary’s best moldavian musicians.
“In the world I grew up in, the day began and ended with the church bells calling us to prayer. A family farm meant 8 to 12 children. From the five year old to the oldest - everyone had an indispensable role. A person could work hard day in and day out because there was a holiday coming up. Before a holiday there were great preparations. People cleaned their souls, their life, their house, their stables, animals’ pens, gardens and village; they forgave, made peace, went to mass in their best clothing and then in the afternoon they visited one another. Any holiday brought great pleasure. We were able to make everything we needed and didn’t have to depend on anyone else. Folks knew how the world works, because the sun, the moon, the stars, the weather and their deep faith guided their path. One didn’t do or say just anything. I grew up amongst unnamed saints who alongside a flock of children were able to sing, weave, spin, and embroider beautifully - and made that difficult world magical. With fasting and prayer and the strength of Mary they warded off the troubles of both body and spirit. I would like to present their image as an example for the world.” Petrás Mária
Petrás Mária - voice
Kiss Krisztián - coboz
Nyíri László – violin
20:00 Magyar Banda: 12 betyár [12 Outlaws] - record release concert
In 2020 a group of young musicians well-known on Hungary’s folk music scene formed
Magyar Banda
. The band’s unique style is characterized by respect for the variety of musical styles and techniques of the different Hungarian regions. They decided that the Hungarian “
” - or outlaw – would be best symbol for their musical freedom. The Hungarian outlaws were men who protected the unbroken freedom of their own world and spirit against all odds. The title of their record refers to that and the fact that the word “
– outlaw – comes up twelve times in the songs. Their goal isn’t to conjure up pictures of the long lost past, but rather to freely express themselves within the musical mother tongue they have inherited from their musical masters.
Ifj. Szerényi, Béla – voice, tarogato, wooden flute, hurdy-gurdy
Solymosi, Máté – violin
Szilágyi, Márton – violin
Zimber, Ferenc – cymbalom
Fekete, Márton „Kispuma” – viola
Tóth, Máté – double bass
Borbély, Mihály – E flat clarinet
Pecze, Balázs – flugelhorn
Istvánfi, Balázs – bagpipe
Fitos Dezső Dance Group
will perform in their concert.
22:00 Dance House
Dance House following the record release concert
COVID health certification required
Tickets: 1000 Ft (in advance); 1500 Ft (Day of the event)