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Fonó Selection 2021

Mini Festival


“These are the productions that move us, that have formed us, have defined how we think about ourselves, or what the outside world thinks about Hungarian music. If you don’t have time to go to concerts, but you’d like to know what’s going on, what audiences, the music scene and the critics are paying attention to in Hungary and abroad - then come to Fonó Selection’s Mini Festival series and we’ll bring you up to speed! And if you know the bands that’ll be performing, then you’ll be here anyway!” – the Fonó

19:00 Balogh Melinda Quartet
I sang from dawn til dusk and in every hour a different mood encircled me. I travelled in the spirit of music, in the memories of night. The moon saw everything, heard everything and from above smiled on the lovers, on those in grief or sadness, on those celebrating and on the whole world. Then slowly it disappeared and left me here with a few scraps of veil…that I’ve been trying to sew together ever since…it still needs some decoration, but not to worry…the birds will bring me that.

Balogh, Melinda Lukrécia - voice
Babcsán, Bence – winds
Csurkulya, József - cymbalom
Pecek, Krisztián – double bass

20:00 Vizeli Máté: Bartók 44 violin duets - with folk music sources – record release concert
From the beginning one of Góbé Band’s goals was to create concerts presenting the connections between folk music and classical music. Amongst these the most important and most performed one has been their so-called ‘Bartók Concert’ presenting Bartók’s 44 violin duets in parallel with their source material. This kind of summarization of this material has not yet been done. Bartók’s arrangements were based on an extraordinary number of field recordings of sung or solo instrumental folk material that necessitated a vast amount of field collection work. The melodies come from a great variety of languages and ethnic groups such as: Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Ruthenian, Serbian and Arab. The complete concert program has only been performed once: on its premiere in March of 2011 on Bartók’s 130th birthday at Eötvös 10 in Budapest.

This record is released in celebration of Bartók’s 140th birthday and this concert presents a condensed version about hour in length.

Performing the violin duets:
Vizeli Máté and Surján Péter - violins
Góbé Folkside:
Rigó, Márton - violin
Vizeli, Máté – viola, guitar, coboz
Egervári, Mátyás - cymbalom, bagpipe hurdy-gurdy, hit cello, drum
Tímár, András – double bass
Korpás, Éva - voice
Pojendán, Gergő - voice
Konta, Noémi - piano

21:00 Tárkány Művek - record release concert

Tárkány Művek’s music grew out of the music scene surrounding Hungary’s dance house movement – blending in various waves of Hungarian jazz, beat and pop, that had already been developing and interweaving to form a special musical world that could only have come about here in Hungary. The Junior Prima award winning Tárkány Művek is cymbalmist and song writer Tárkány-Kovács Bálint’s band: he writes the melodies and songs and does the arrangements. Helping him to bring his work alive are fellow musicians: Fekete Borbála and Viszkeleti Júlia (with their beautiful voices), Hámori Máté (playing a virtuoso and sensitive guitar), Fekete Márton and Molnár Péter (providing dynamic viola and double bass backup). The cymbalom, viola, double bass trio provides the sound of a folk string band, while the guitar adds the jazz and blues atmosphere. Borbala’s natural blend of the folksong’s delicate turns and pop music rhythm, is filled out with Júlia and Bálint chorus to make a real ‘vocal group’ sound and a completely unique band amongst the Hungarian world music productions.

Tickets: 2000 Ft (in advance), 2500 Ft (day of the event)

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