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Concert+Dance House: Ritka Band

Ritka Band: monografic concert: Magyarózd/Ozd (Transylvania)

For quite awhile we have been interested in the history of folk music collection work done in the Transylvanian village of Magyarózd/ Ozd. The material for this concert came together after a long search. We separated out and studied melodies from the huge amount of digitalized material in the Institute of Musicology. We also studied Horváth István’s book “ Magyarozdi toronyalj a”, Pávai István’s DVD-ROM: “ Magyarózdi népzene ” and Jagamas János’ DVD ROM in order to familiarize ourselves with recordings of the various traditional musicians from several decades. In addition to the original recordings, the revival arrangements have also been interesting for us, especially recordings of Horváth István’s granddaughter Panek Kati . At the time when the collection work was done all members of the bands were elderly and it was necessary in many cases to reconstruct a ‘healthy’ sound and the tempos.

Recently we have experienced what it’s like to be isolated and do without community events. We have set up the concert so that singing instruction will break up the concert atmosphere. These breaks help us to create a better connection to the audience.

Káplár, Gréta - voice
Takács, Rita - violin
Böröcz, Balázs - viola
Szilágyi, Boglárka – double bass

Tickets: 1000 Ft

Admission only with valid COVID health certification

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