Concert+Dance House: Kalász Banda, Erdőfű
Upcoming events
Concert and Dance House:
Kalász Banda, Erdőfű
“Today bands in the classical sense of the word have fallen into the minority. There was a time when a person could play music throughout his life with one band, but today this is often not possible because of the audience or the musicians’ variety of needs, music and instrumentation. The result is that a musician is often forced to play in several different bands. At the moment I participate in several different groups, bands and projects. However with Kalász Banda I am best able to express my own musical ideas. I don’t think of this group as a project. I decided that the most important goal is to express a thought and be able to pass that on. Presently with the musicians in this band I am best able to do that, not just professionally, but humanely and spiritually.” (Kalász Máté)
Kalász, Máté - violin
Kaszap, Attila - violas
Halmos, Attila - violin, voice
Fekete, Antal 'Puma' - kontra
Molnár, Péter – double bass
Dance house fowllowing the concert with Erdőfű Band
Éri, Katalin — double bass, cello, hit cello
Kiss-Balbinat, Ádám — violin, voice
Maruzsenszki, Andor — violin
Éri, Márton — viola, kontra
1000 Ft
Admission only with COVID health certification