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Concert+Dance House: Eszterlánc Band

Traditonal music from the Transylvanian villages of Buza and Melegföldvár/ Feldioara

Since its formation Eszterlánc Band has been playing first of all the music of Transylvania’s Mezőség region ( Câmpia Transilvaniei or the Transylvanian plain). They have released 8 records til now concentrating on the music of four Mezőség villages. Their concerts present traditional folk music of the so-called ‚Tóvidék’, and the villages of Mezőkeszü and Magyarszovat. They often invite guest musicians and singers from the Mezőség region to perform in their concerts and on their recordings. The work of the band and guest musicians is held together by Császár Attila , supported by experiences and material gathered during their trips to the Mezőség region.

Juhász Réka, Sturcz Noémi - voice
Komáromi,Márton - violin
Juhász, Dénes – violin, wooden flute
Császár, Attila – Transylvanian viola (kontra)
Liber, Róbert – double bass

With guest: Dresch Mihály - fuhun, saxophone

Dance hous e with music by Eszterlánc Band following the concert

Tickets: 1000 Ft

COVID health certification required for admission to this event.

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