Music workshops/concert -Nyárádmente and Udvarhelyszék with Magos
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Workshop on traditional music of Nyárádmente and Udvarhelyszék regions, of Székelyföld, Transylvania, Romania.
Ethnographic lecture, concert with dancers
Magos Ensemble specializes in music of Transylvania’s Székelyföld - particularly the Upper-Maros, Székely-Mezőség, Nyárádmente, Sóvidék regions. They learn first-hand from, and maintain close contact with traditional master musicians there.
15:00-18:00 Advanced music workshop: Felsősófalva folk music
Instruction for
traditional folk violin, accordion, cimbalom, double bass
with members of Magos Ensemble.
19:00 Ethnographic lecture / concert
Pávai Istvan: Nyárádmente and Udvarhelyszék folk music – ethnographic lecture
Performing: Magos Ensemble, Velner Klára, Pethe Miklós and Forgatós Folk Dance Ensemble; Lőrincz Hortenzia, Végső Miklós and Rába Folk Dance Ensemble
In advance 1000 Ft
Day of the event: 1500 Ft
Supported by Hagyományok Háza