Upcoming events

FONÓ25 Folk Capital - Celebrate with us!

A four-day revelry begins on 16 September to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Fonó! Come and rejoice! With 25 years of experience, we have selected the shows so that every FONÓ fan can find a program to their liking. From quieter, seated concerts to nightly dancing fun, we have a wide range of programs on our cultural menu! Of course we will close the day with a dance house that lasts until dawn every night! You will find somany ofour great artists here!  On the first day, Szalonna and His Band will take the stage as part of Fonó Wednesday. We will hold three thematic days, where we have prepared selected concerts for you: on Chamber Selection Day (Thursday) you can watch chamber productions, on Duo Selection Day (Fridays) duo line-ups, and on Fonó Selection Day (Saturday) you can listen to big concerts. 25 years, 4 days, 13 concerts, 4 dance houses, more than 50 performers and you! Come and drink to us!

Detailed program:
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - Fonó Wednesday Concert and Dance House
20:00 Szalonna and Band

Thursday, September 17, 2020 - Chamber Selection
20:00 Bojta Zsuzsanna & ZitheRandom
Szlama László-Bergics András Duo
22:30 Babra dance house

Friday, September 18, 2020 - Duo Selection
20:00 Mihály Borbély-Mihály Dresch
Branka Trio
László Porteleki-Áron Porteleki
Herczku Ági-Nikola Parov
Balázs Szokolay Dongó-Tamás Geröly
Lakatos Róbert-Jr. Csoóri Sándor 'Sündi'
22:30 Szászcsávási Orchestra

Saturday, September 19, 2020 Fonó Selection:
Balogh Kálmán-Lukács Miklós concert
Karavan Familia and friends concert
22:30 Csángálló

Ticket prices:
1200 HUF in advance, 1500 HUF on the day of the event on Wednesday
Thursday, Friday, Saturday: HUF 2,000 in advance, HUF 2,500 on the day of the event

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