Upcoming events

Tuesday Folk Dance Teaching

Tuesday dance evenings are for both beginning and advanced folk dancers who within the framework of a dance workshop would like to learn the dances of a certain area.

Dance teaching is done in seperate groups for advanced and beginning dancers, followed by group singing and then dancing for all to live music.
Everyone is welcome - with or without a partner.


Dance teachers:

Kis István és Kis-Demeter Erika

Kiss Balázs and Farkas Fanni

Musicians: Vizeli Bálint and his band
Singing teacher: Annus Réka

7:00 – 8:30 PM Dance teaching
8:30- 8:45 PM Singing
8:45 – 9:00 PM Beginning and advanced dancers, dance together with live music

The village of Magyarszentbenedek / Sânbenedic (Romania) is located in the area of Transylvania referred to by Hungarian music and dance ethnographers as the northern Maros-Küküllő region - more specifically, in the Kutasföld or Hegymegett district. This village is well-known for its great traditional dancers and music. The local dances include men’s dances done solo or in a group - the faster version of which is the “ pontozó ” and a slower version called “vénes ”. The couple dances include a slow csárdás and “ szökő ”.

Tickets: 1000 Ft

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