Upcoming events

The band was formed in the spring of 1992 and was named Üsztürü on the proposal of Zoltán Kallós. They have been wearing this mockery ever since and have neither outgrown it, nor thrown it away. No, because it has a magic power. It is imbued with the spirits of the great people of Transylvania. This is how they could experience the true closeness to nature in music, dance, attunement to each other and their shockingly simple responses to the often seemingly complicated challenges of everyday life. They have been accompanying the State Folk Ensemble of Háromszék in Sepsiszentgyörgy, and still not changed their original attitude: to seek and live the wholeness characterized by communities in different regions.

Band members:
Major Levente István - violin
Árpád József Szász - kontra, dulcimer
Mátyás Vajda - kontra, viola, accordion
László Szász - double bass, percussion

20: 00-20: 30 Concert
20: 30-00: 00 Dance house

Ticket price: 1000 HUF

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