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The Many-Sided Tárogató - Kiss Gy. László’s tárogató concert
From classical to folk music of Hungary’s Rábaköz region and Swabian people

Kiss Gy. László - Liszt award winning tárogató player – birthday concert

Our concerts are about music, respect for the audience and love of the tárogató. The 65th birthday is only an excuse to have another wonderful meeting held at that lion’s den of folk music, the Fonó Music Hall! I would like to share the fruits of my past in classical music and my curiosity for other styles of music - which I will play on the instrument of the Hungarian soul: the tárogató.

We will open the treasure chest of Bach’s, Mahler’s, Saint-Saëns’ eternally valid works. This evening the worthy partner of their universal works will be our magical-sounding instrument, giving the audience an opportunity to experience the tárogató’s classical side. The roots are in folk music: every fruit must know what kind of tree it grew on. The tárogató and my acquaintance with Árendás Péter and Lelkes András brought me back to the music of my native Rabaköz - and to Transylvanian music. Now I know where I came from and where I’m going. Towards the end of our concert, we will also play favorite jazz standards, then I’ll present the virtuoso possibilities of a rarely heard singing technique – the yodel.

Join us for this intimate and joyful evening at Fonó Music Hall!

Kiss Gy. László – Liszt award winning tárogató player


Tiny tale: Berecz István
Mahler: Horn solo
Saint-Saëns: The Swan
Kovács Béla: A little Balkan music
Bach-Goudod: Ave Maria
Kapuvár verbunk, Rábaköz lament and dances
Lavotta - Serenáde
Rábaköz verbunk and friss

Rábaköz kesergő and Szilágyság figurázó
Hajnalfelé [Towards dawn]
Sárközi József’s lassú, ugrós and csárdás
Jazz standards
Swabian music – yodel parade
Erdőszombattelke dances

Special guest : Csoóri Sándor - Kossuth award winning folk musician
Nagy Csaba - tárogató player
Sík Réka, Tompa Attila - professional folk dancers with the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble

Árendás Péter: viola
Balogh Sándor: accordion
Csoóri Sándor: viola, voice
Lelkes András: double bass
Török Géza: piano
Zimber Ferenc: cymbalom

Tickets: 1500 Ft

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