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Tuesday Dance Teaching

Tuesday dance evenings are for both beginning and advanced dancers who within the framework of a dance workshop would like to learn the dances of a certain area.
Dance teaching is done in seperate groups for advanced and beginning dancers, followed by group singing and then dancing for all to live music.
Everyone is welcome - with or without a partner.
The village of Visa/Vișea is found in Transylvania’s Mezőség [also known as: Câmpia Transilvaniei or the Transylvanian Plain] Region, and more specifically in the so-called "Inner Mezőség" area. Until the end of the 1960s the young people in this community organized dances every weekend hiring the Gypsy musicians from the nearby village of Magyarpalatka/Pălatca to supply the music. The Palatka musicians played regularly in the villages of: Visa, Magyarpalatka, Vajdakamarás, Mezőkeszü, Báré, Mócs, Gyulatelke, Mezőgyéres (Hungarian village names are provided here). The traditional dances of these villages have become known the world over as “the Mezőség dances”. The couple dances have a rich vocabulary of movement motifs and demand a harmony of cooperation and body language between the man and woman.
The teachers have immersed themselves in Visa’s dance traditions for decades. Old acquaintances and friendships connect them to the people of the village constantly inspiring them to pass on the dances in their authentic form.

Advanced group: Szappanos Tamás, Balogh Éva
Beginning group: Bak János, Wolf Andrea, Fekete Gergely, Bálint Alíz

“The Visa dances are particularly rich and exciting. The people of Visa love to dance and have fun. The figures and movement motifs are magnificent and varied – including tossing the woman back and forth in front of the man, turning as a couple, “throws” (of the woman behind the man’s back), turning the woman out under the man’s arm and are spiced with creative men’s slapping sequences. The Visa dances are the crème of the Mezőség dances, the essence. You’ll be sorry if you don’t come.” Szappanos Tamás

7:00 – 8:30 PM Dance teaching
8:30- 8:45 PM Singing
8:45 – 9:00 PM Beginning and advanced dancers, dance together with live music

Tickets: 1000 Ft

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