Upcoming events

At the beginning of the 1990s dancers from the Bihari Folk Dance Ensemble [widely known as a good amateur group in Budapest] formed a band - so they could make good music for their own fun and entertainment even when it didn’t necessarily mean folk dancing….

In1995 the band began inviting guest musicians. First a party was held at Carnival time, then one Friday a month at the legendary Almássy Tér Recreational Center [now closed, but once a venue for music and dance events of all kinds].

These events known as “Biharisokk Klub” became very popular in the folk dance movement and in other intellectual circles appreciating a certain social criticism and humor of the time.

Throughout the late 90s professional musicians were invited to Bihársokk events… such as: Gázsa Band, MÉTA, Palermo Boogie Gang, Ferenczy Gyuri and his bands, Kimnowak, and actors from the Új Színház [New Theatre].

Over the last 25 years the BiharSokk band has become an “institution” handed down like tradition to new generations of folk dancers. Today there is a completely new line up of musicians.

February 8th will be a party with band members from all generations of BihariSokk.

Former and present members of Válaszút, Vadrózsák, Bartók, Bihari, Honvéd, Budapest, Duna, Állami, Dunaújvárosi Vasas dance groups are expected…

Everyone is welcome!

Tickets: 1000 Ft

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