Balogh Melinda: Napkerék
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N apkerék – a concert of Transylvanian Gypsy folk music
The record “ Napkerék ” released by Fonó in May of 2019 and produced by Kelemen László, provides a taste of Transylvanian Gypsy music performed by singer Balogh Melinda and her musician friends . Varied instrumentation and excellent musical direction make it enjoyable for everyone.
The concert will present traditional Gypsy music from several areas of Transylvania – including music from the village of Százcsávás/ Ceuaș, and the Northern Mezőség, Katotaszeg, Szilágyság and Maramaros regions.
The Napkerék production finds it important not only to present repertoire and melodies learned from field recordings of authentic traditional performers, but also to present how this music lives today in Gypsy circles and what kind of influence it has on folk music life in Hungary.
The band
Balogh Melinda - voice
Hegedűs Máté – violin
Bede Péter – saxophone, tarogato
Papp Endre – violas
Réti Benedek – accordion
Bognár András – double bass
Tickets: in advance 1000 Ft, on the day of the concert 1500 Ft
Supported by Hagyományok Háza