3rd Folkontra - Folk dancers and folk musicians “Ulti” Meeting
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3rd FolKontra - Folk dancers and folk musicians “Ulti” Meeting
FolKontra’s Ulti meeting is especially for the folk dance and folk musician community. The primary goal is to strengthen the community of people connected to folk tradition.
Ulti (a special Hungarian card game)
has proved to be one of the most popular typically Hungarian pastimes in friendly circles of folk dancers and folk musicians.
The event and game follow the rules set out by the Hungarian Ulti Association, but the most important goal is to have a pleasant gathering without blood thirsty competition.
We also welcome beginners and those who haven’t played in a long time!
The event is being organized for the 3rd time. The first patron was Ferenczi György; the second was Novák Ferenc ’Tata’
This year’s patron is Székely Tibor
president of the Hungarian Hussar and Traditional Military Association, former director of the Bihari János Folk Dance Ensemble.
For further information and registration (intent of participation must be registered) contact: Kovács Henrik at: kovacshenrik@gmail.com - or +36 70 205 8607