Upcoming events

Once upon a time there was a tiny boy the size of my little finger, his name was Jancsi. Despite his size Jancsi followed his dreams and set out to explore the wide world. No matter where he strays, he meets up with strange beings and odd people, but all the while, it is song that makes him brave and dance that carries him onward down his path.

The magical story and wonderful country come alive during Paár Julcsi’s record release concert - and the audience becomes an integral part of the performance.

Paár Julcsi - Hangoló: Kerekerdő

Musicians and dancers participating in the concert:
Paár Julcsi - voice
Csiki Gergely – dance
Csernók Klára - violin
Takács Ádám - violin
Szabó Dániel - cymbalom
Papp Endre - violas
Könczei Bálint - accordion
Bognár András – double bass
Bede Péter - kaval, soprano sax, tarogato
Tímár Sára - voice
Nádasdy Fanni- voice
Kiss B. Ádám - voice
Students of Biatorbágy Folk Song Workshop, and dancers from Göncöl Dance Ensemble

Ticket price: 1000 Ft (admission free for children under 2 years of age)

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