Nana Vortex, Ötödik évszak Band
Upcoming events
20.00-21.00 Ötödik évszak
21.20-22.20 Nana Vortex
Nana Vortex
Nana Vortex is undoubtedly one of the most progressive, experimental formations on the Hungarian world music palette. The young ensemble has already put out two mold-breaking albums. Their first album “Forduló” is a fusion of pop, folk, and jazz elements – sometimes slipping surreal motifs into a folk music inspired world of melody. The compositions and the recording were done on a wine terrace in Hungary’s Northern Balaton region. Their music reveals a conversation between outdoors-text and music, bringing the listener into their work process.
In December of 2017 Nana Vortex appeared with more new material. Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Hungarian poet Arany János, who as it turns out also wrote music… the ensemble has dressed the master’s works in a new 21st century cloak.
This concert features material from both of their records; the momentum of young Hungarian music celebrating the poetry of Arany János.
The band:
Jéger Dorottya –voice
Kaszap Atilla – saxophone, viola
Bíró Szabolcs ’Maszkura’ – accordion, voice
Kövér Kristóf - giitar
Boros Gábor – double bass
Szabó Sipos Ágoston – drum
Ötödik évszak Band
Both man and nature are in continuous change. Music is also a part of that relationship - and so is
Ötödik évszak
[Fifth season]
The members of the band have all done their time in other formations proving their love of music: Lajkó Félix, BudafolkBand, Dresch Vonós Quartett, Magyar Állami Népi Együttes .
Many years of experience blend in this group. Positive, playful and human-centered thoughts. The band’s singer Izabelle Caussanel ( F-HU) colors the style of the musicians with her own unique world. Acoustic humane music with a worldly notion.
In advance: 1000 Ft
Day of the concert: 1500 Ft