Upcoming events


19:00-19:40 Folksz
20:00-21:00 Makám record release concert
21:20-22:30 Novák Péter with Etnofon

MAKÁM record release concert

‘The Hungarian poet Ady was the one in whom time was complete, he changed the world - the Hungarian globe. The turn of the century generation gathered around him, everyone knew their place in terms of him’ - this is the kind of thing fellow writers, like-thinking personalities wrote about Ady in his time. Ady was brave enough to write about unspoken taboos, about the horrible and bloody experiences of existence. Along with some of the Ady classics, we summon some hidden treasures, evoking the period and spirit of the time in words, song and music.

Magyar Bori - voice
Krulik Zoltán - voice, guitar
Kuczera Barbara - violin
Vázsonyi János - saxophone
Bata István – bass guitar

Guest: Varró Zoltán – percussion

Foksz Band is one of Hungary’s most original ethno-jazz fusion formations. They successfully blend folk with today’s modern fusion music.

Founder of the band and composer Várnai Dániel – guitar
Kerekes Enikő, Annus Réka - voice
Mayer József – double bass
Pfeiler Ferenc – drum

Novák Péter and Etnofon

Following a great open rehearsal at the Fonó and a 6 performance summer tour, the band continues with concerts this fall. They’re calling this production “Etnofon from Brashov to Brussels” presenting new versions of Kimnovak songs, Nagy László’s poetry put to music and Kiss Ferenc’s compositions.

Novák Péter has performed with Etnofon many times, now Kiss Ferenc ’s world music formation adds repertoire and sound to fit Novák. The sound is more rock-like – alongside Kiss Ferenc’s compositions, the ‘Novak Péter and Kimnovak’ songs have reaped success on stages large and small.

Members of the band: Kuczera Barbara, Szokolay Dongó Balázs, Küttel Dávid, Gyulai Csaba, Nyíri Sándor, Braun László, and founder of the band Kiss Ferenc, with front man Novák Péter.

Tickets: in advance 1500 Ft; day of the concert 2000 Ft

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