Korinda CD Release Concert, Berka Dance House
Upcoming events
7 PM Korinda record release concert
Korinda Band ’s goal: authentic interpretation of traditional folk music of ethnic groups living in the eastern-most part of the Hungarian language area. Founders of the group learned first of all from members of the Szeged based Mentes Másként Ensemble and from Moldavian flute player Hodorog András, which has played a definitive role in creating Korinda’s world of sound. In performing music they have learned from original field recordings and directly from the traditional village musicians themselves, they strive for simplicity and clarity while at the same time always looking into possibilities for their own interpretation and unique performance modes. Though the band names its main direction as Moldavian Csángó folk music, their repertoire also includes music from Gyimes, Barcaság, Székelyföld and Bukovina. They regularly do collection work in Moldavia and Transylvania and find it important to establish and maintain personal contact with older musicians still alive.
Members of the band:
Nádasdy Fanni – vocals
Csenki-Túri Luca – violin
Bozóki Tamás – flute, violin
Jávorszky Zoltán – flute, hit cello
Csenki Zalán – coboz
Várai Áron – vocals, drum
20:00 Berka Dance House
Two dance houses are held in two different spaces at the same time – with dance instruction. Berka Ensemble has been doing its dance house every second Friday at the Fonó for eleven years now. Each time the best students and musicians from the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music come to help out. Berka’s Moldavian dance house is held in the larger space, while a string band holds another dance house in the foyer concert area.
Everyone is welcome whether to come and dance, or simply to enjoy the music!
Tickets: 1000 Ft (the ticked is valid for the concert and the dance house too)