Horváth Tojás Gábor Trio, Gyémánt Bálint Trio
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Horváth "Tojas" Gábor Trio
is a group of three musicians who are so used to playing together that they are capable of improvisations based on collective interactions which not only show a great degree of musical freedom, but in their sincerity share the creative personality the most completely.
Horváth "Tojás" Gábor - piano
Horváth Balázs – double bass
Gálfi Attila – drum
Gyémánt Bálint is one of Hungary’s best guitar players. His music which contains elements jazz and improvisational music, is loved by fans of popular music as well.
Gyémánt Bálint – guitar
Bartók Vince – bass
Szabó Dániel Ferenc – drums
Tickets: in advance 1000 Ft, on the day of the concert 1500 Ft