Havay Viktória record release concert, Berka dance house
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19:00 HAVAY VIKTÓRIA: Felültem a széles világ lovára
Record release concert
Havay Viktória is a folk singer from Budapest who in the past years has sung with Horsa, Tallabille, Csürrentő and Cápok bands in Hungarian dance house circles. Thanks to the National Cultural Fund’s Halmos Béla Program she has been able to release her first solo recording in 2019. The recording gives a taste of song traditions from many different Hungarian folk music regions. It’s always a special moment when master and student perform together on the same stage, thus Viktória’s teacher Fábian Éva (Kalamajka, Egyszolam ensembles) will appear at the concert as she does on the recording as well - together they sing traditional songs of the Bukovina Székely people.
Havay Viktória: voice
Dóra Áron: long flute, hit cello
Fábián Éva: voice
Horsa István: violin
Istvánfi Balázs: bagpipe
Joó Bence: double bass
Kudász Ferenc: coboz
Vörös Máté: viola
Walch Márton: Jew’s harp
Tickets: 1000 Ft (for entrance to both the concert and dance houses)
20:00 Berka dance house
Two dance houses are held in two different spaces at the same time – with dance instruction. Berka Ensemble has been doing its dance house every second Friday at the Fonó for eleven years now. Each time the best students and musicians from the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music come to help out. Berka’s Moldavian dance house is held in the larger space, while a string band holds another dance house in the foyer concert area.
Everyone is welcome whether to come and dance, or simply to enjoy the music!