GÓBÉ Christmas - concert and dance house
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Pulsating, energetic world music with roots in Hungarian folk music. The Góbé boys, while knowing and maintaining respect for their Kodály and Bartók heritage, carry the thought further. They play dynamic world music; a kind of folk pop. GÓBÉ has made four recordings and regularly gets crowds up dancing and singing at the Budapest clubs (A38, Akvárium, Barba Negra, Fonó, Kobuci, etc) and at festivals.
GÓBÉ Band:
CSASZNYI IMRE – voice, bassprim tambura, viola
RIGÓ MÁRTON – violin, guitar, viola, vocals
VIZELI MÁTÉ – voilas, violin, guitar, coboz, vocals
EGERVÁRI MÁTYÁS - cymbalom, tambura bracs, winds, percussion
TIMÁR MÁRTON – double bass
CZUPI ÁRON – drums, percussion, vocals
in advance- 1500 Ft; day of the concert – 2000 Ft