Fonó Wednesday – Dance house with Üsztürü and Varjos bands
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Dance house gets the spotlight on Fonó Wednesdays!
Every other week we invite two guest bands to play dance house music all evening. Góbé and PásztorHóra bands will play every two weeks for Hungarian string band and Moldavian dance houses. Other bands from Budapest, the countryside and communities outside Hungary’s borders will also play for dancing during the season.
Come with, or without a partner; with or without dance experience! Everyone is welcome!
This week: Üsztürü and Varjos bands play for the dance house!
When the band was formed in the spring of 1992 Kallós Zoltán recommended the name Üsztürü - so they took it. Despite ridicule, they have stuck with the name ever since and haven’t outgrown it. The name has magical power. It is soaked with the personalities of wonderful Transylvanian people they have met and gotten close to through the music, dance, and tuning up to one another; and with the processes of finding the amazingly simple answers to the often complicated seeming challenges of everyday life and becoming adults. Being the band that accompanied the Háromszék State Folk Dance Ensemble (Sepsiszengyőrgy/Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania) didn’t even swerve them from their original approach: to search out and to live each individual aspect of the communities in the various regions and the sound of horse hair swishing on the strings.
Members of the band:
Major Levente István - violin
Szász József Árpád - kontra, cymbalom
Vajda Mátyás - kontra, viola, accordion
Szász Lőrinc – double bass, hit cello
Varjos Band was formed in 2003 in Párkány, Hungary. They set a goal of presenting the folk culture of the peoples of the Carpathian Basin based on music collection work done in the 20th century and their own experience. They play first of all the folk music of the Hungarians in Slovakia, but their performances may also include traditional music from today’s Hungary and Transylvania. Over the years they have accompanied several folk dance groups, they play concerts and for dance houses and are active participants at festivals in Slovakia and abroad. Their recording entitled “Varjos zenekar” was released in 2013.
Members of the band:
Szabó Gábor (Suvi) - violin
Madocsai Szilárd – clarinet, flute
Madocsai Imre – viola, dance
Mocsi Péter – double bass
Tickets: 1000 Ft