Upcoming events

Tuesday Dance Teaching

Tuesday dance evenings are for both beginning and advanced dancers who within the framework of a dance workshop would like to learn the dances of a certain area.

Teaching material – November, December 2019: Dances of the Transylvanian village of Vajdaszentivány /Voivodeni.

Workshop participants on Tuesdays of November and December will get to know the traditional dances and music from the village of Vajdaszentivány /Voivodeni located in the farthest eastern part of Transylvania’s Mezőség region, in the Maros River area. The couple dances from here abound with turns under the arm. The traditional dance cycle falls in this order: verbunk, sebes forduló, lassú csárdás, korcsos, cigány csárdás and batuka. The band is typically made up of stringed instruments with a cymbalom playing the melody (preserving an older performance style).

Dance teaching is done in seperate groups for advanced and beginning dancers, followed by group singing and then dancing for all to live music.
Everyone is welcome - with or without a partner.

Dance instructors:
Advanced group: Hajdú Flórián and Tóth Melánia
Beginning group: Kele Kristóf and Gyetvai Júlia

Band: Magos Ensemble

7:00 – 8:30 PM Dance teaching
8:30- 8:45 PM Singing
8:45 – 9:00 PM Beginning and advanced dancers, dance together with live music

Tickets: 1000 Ft

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