Cimbaliband record release concert , Branka Trio
Upcoming events
20.00-21.00 Branka trió
21.20-22.50 Cimbaliband record release
Cimbaliband: IRAM - record release concert
“…Cimbaliband has been working with singer Danics Dóra for three years now. Several hundred performances and concerts together has given our special world of sound the chance to ripen. It is a microcosm of treasures which we can now share with our audience on a record as well. The tunes for cymbalom and band have been greatly influenced by authentic Hungarian folk music and melodies of the Balkan peoples. Danics Dóra fills them out with her spirit, her poetry and the sound of her voice. IRAM is the product of our work together and the unending dedication of each member of Cimbaliband with our amazing sound engineers….” (Unger Balázs)
Cimbaliband’s leader
Unger Balázs
has been called the “Chuck Berry of cymbalom”. He moves and leads the band with his fast riffs and variety of styles from behind his acoustic mixing table, his cymbalom….creating the original Eastern European cymbalom rock’n’roll.
Singer Danics Dóra won the 2013 Hungarian X-Faktor. This is her 3rd recording with Cimbaliband.
Branka Trio
Winner of Hungary’s 2018 Junior Prima Award, Básits Branka has formed her own trio so she can carry out her newest music ideas. The young singer completed her music studies at the Liszt Academy of Music in folk singing. However authentic folk music is not the defining factor of her work – she likes crossing over the borders between musical genres, and the freedom of world music.
Branka is a Hungarian–Serbian musician, a vibrant and colorful personality and singer. On stage she sings with enormous passion and strength, while also being capable of sounds so soft and delicate they’ll touch even the toughest hearts. The singer’s father is Serbian, her mother is Hungarian, and she grew up embracing both traditions. This duality has influenced not only her daily life, but her entire musical life as well.
Her trio, drawing from Serbian and Hungarian folk music, takes the audience far away ….on a journey to an undiscovered exciting…abstract universe…and to the depths of our souls. Assisting this journey are her excellent musical partners accordionist Wertetics Szlobodán and jazz guitarist Czirják Csaba, both of whom she has been working with separately for years.
Tickets : In advance 1500 Ft /Day of the concert 2000 Ft